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North Hills Soccer Club

Weather Safety

To ensure everyone’s safety, all personnel, athletes and spectators must adhere to the following weather safety guidelines when on NHSD or NHSC grounds or when involved in a NHSC-related activity.

If thunder is heard or lightning is seen, everyone must evacuate the fields and head to safety immediately. There shall be NO exceptions. Hearing thunder and seeing lightning are treated equally in these guidelines.

Safe places include:

  • Fully-enclosed vehicle with the windows rolled up
  • Directly under the pavilions at Sangree, Tyler and Windhurst fields
  • In the locker rooms behind the concession stand at Reis Run Soccer Complex
  • The locker room key is kept in a lockbox mounted on the back wall of the shed


  • All outdoor metal objects including flag and light poles, fences and gates, metal bleachers, golf cars and machinery
  • Trees, open fields, high ground and water
    • At Reis Run, do not congregate on the hill or in the area in front concession stand


NHSC follows the 30-minute rule. Activity shall not resume and everyone shall remain in their safe place until 30 minutes after the last instance of thunder and/or lightning. A new 30-minute count shall begin with any subsequent instance of thunder and/or lightning after a 30-minute count has begun.

Please note: The safety of our players is our first priority and event cancellation is likely when there is severe weather. Thank you for your understanding.

Contact Us

North Hills Soccer Club

PO Box 15446 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237

Phone: 412-438-8632
Email: [email protected]

North Hills Soccer Club

PO Box 15446 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237

Phone: 412-438-8632
Email: [email protected]
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