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North Hills Soccer Club

Rules of the Game

8 and Under (U8)

Game Day
  • Games will be played in 4 v 4 format. No goalies are used (exceptions to this format may occasionally apply depending on the number of registered players). In the event a team is ahead by six or more goals, the team who is trailing can add a player to the field of play. If additional players are not available, the team who is ahead must take a player off the field, leaving a 4 v 3 playing scenario.
  • Games will be played in two 20-minute halves. There is no overtime. Any game that is tied at the end of the game will end as a tie.
  • Games will be officiated by two sanctioned PA West Officials. Officials have full control of the match and do not need advised by coaches or players.
  • Setting an example in sportsmanship is the responsibility of the coaches. Any issues that coaches have with the officiating should be brought to the attention of the Commissioner. Coaches should not question the calls of the officials.
  • All players who attend a soccer match must play an equal amount of time in said match.
  • Substitutions are allowed only during a stop in play (corner kick, throw in, goal kick, goal being scored or player injury). Substitutions are only permitted with the approval of the working officials.
  • The ball will be put in play with a kick off, goal kick, corner kick, throw in or drop ball (rare).
  • A legal throw will require both feet to be on the ground, behind the sideline and the ball must travel from behind the player, over their head and follow through in the direction of play. A failure to throw in a ball legally will result in a warning. A second failed throw in (on the same throw in) will result in a throw in for the opponent team.
  • On goal kicks, all players of the opposing team must move behind the midfield line.
  • On kick offs the ball must break the midfield plane. A failure to cross the midfield plane will result in a re-play. A second failed kick off (on the same kick off) will result in a kick off for the opponent team.
  • All offensive players must be in the offensive zone (all players must be beyond the midfield line) to be considered a legal goal.
  • Each player must wear Club issued uniforms and socks for Game Days. Shirts must be tucked into the shorts. Socks must be pulled over shin guards.  Laces must be tied at all times while playing.
  • While not required, proper fitting soccer cleats are strong advised.
  • No jewelry is allowed during a game.
  • All games will be played with a FIFA regulation Size 3 soccer ball. Game day soccer balls are the responsibility of the teams playing the match. Neither the Club nor the Officials are responsible for providing the Game Day balls.
  • Only Officials and Players may be on the field of play during the match. The only exception to this rule is player injury.
  • Parents are to remain on one side of the field during matches. Should parent interaction become a nuisance during the play of the game. Addressing violations of this nature are the responsibility of the Officials and Commissioner. Any violation will result in a warning leading towards a suspension or cancellation of match. The offending team will be issued a 1-0 loss for the game.
  • Taunting, bullying or excessive celebration will not be tolerated. Any violation will result in a warning leading towards a suspension or cancellation of match. The offending team will be issued a 1-0 loss for the game.
  • The number of teams will vary depending on the number of players that have registered.
  • This is an instructional league and teaching the game of Soccer should be chief of priority of the coach.
  • In the event that games are cancelled, the schedule will resume the following week with the games that had been scheduled on the cancellation. The entire schedule will be shifted forward. This will result in the last game on the schedule being removed from the schedule.

Community (U9 and U10)

  • All teams shall play a modified micro-soccer using  7 versus 7 players (6 field players plus a goalkeeper) as the standard game format.
  • All games will consist of two 25 minute halves with a five minute half time.
  • Field size will be in accordance with USYSA dimensions (if possible). Recommended minimum size is 55 yds by 40 yds. Recommended maximum size is 60 yds by 45 yds.
  • Goal size should be 7ft. high by 21 ft. wide. (minimum size is 6 ft. by 18 ft.)
  • All goals must be securely anchored to ensure the safety of all players.
  • Ball size is 4.
  • Goalies must be rotated each half. Referees will enforce rotation. When possible, coaches should encourage all players to have at least one turn in goal during the season.
  • Coaches(maximum 3) and players shall be restricted to one side of the field while family and friends are restricted to the opposite side of the field.
  • Substitutions shall be made at any stoppage in play. Permission must be requested and granted from the referee. And most important, players must be standing at the halfway line (midfield) before making the request.
  • Intentional kick-backs to the goalie are permitted so long as the goalie plays the ball with his/her feet. The goalie may not handle a ball that has been kicked back to him/her by a teammate. An indirect kick will be awarded. Throw-ins as well to the Goalies are only permitted if he/she plays the ball with his/her feet.
  • The one throw-in attempt rule will apply. An improper throw-in will result ina throw-in of the ball to the opposing team.
  • If a child is injured during play he/she should be instructed to sit down. A referee will not stop play until the player is "down." If play is stopped for “player injury”, that child must come off the field. Play will restart with a drop ball.
  • Offside will be called.
  • Slide tackles are not permitted. At the discretion of the referee, a player who slides or slide tackles in a dangerous manner may be warned first or issued a Yellow card. The opposing team will receive an in-direct kick. A red card and direct kick will be assessed if a slide tackle from behind, which in the opinion of the referee, endangers the safety of an opponent.
  • Each player must play approximately one-half of each game.
  • No jewelry including earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings or other adornments may be worn by any player. All jewelry must be removed. The referee may grant an exception for medical alert or religious items, provided that they are adequately secured.Goalies are encouraged to wear helmets.
  • In inclement weather conditions players may wear sweats (provided they are tucked in their socks), gloves or hats, so long as they do not interfere with the player's ability to play the game.
  • Each club's age commissioner is responsible to notify his home team coaches in the event inclement weather requires the cancellation of scheduled games.  Home team coaches upon receiving a cancellation notice should immediately notify the coach of the opposing team that their game has been canceled.
  • Efforts have been made to ensure that teams with similar records and abilities have been matched.
  • In the event that a mismatch occurs the coach must see to it that embarrassing score differentials are avoided. There is no excuse for winning a soccer game by more than 7 goals.
  • In the event that a team goes up by 5 goals during a game, the opposing team has the option to add an additional player for the balance of the game.In the event that the goal differential in a game exceeds 7 goals, the winning team must inform the U10 Girls Commissioner by e-mail by Tuesday following the match.  In addition, the winning coach must specify what steps were taken to mitigate the final score.
  • Coaches are responsible to control parents, team members, and bystanders. No bad language or abuse of referees or players will be tolerated.  Unsportsmanlike behavior shall be reported to the offending coach, parent's or bystander's soccer club which shall discipline them according to such club's individual rules and policy.
  • USYSA rules supplement the above. Where there is a conflict the above rules supersede USYSA rules.

Travel Division

The rules for the travel division are regulated by PA West.

Contact Us

North Hills Soccer Club

PO Box 15446 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237

Phone: 412-438-8632
Email: [email protected]

North Hills Soccer Club

PO Box 15446 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237

Phone: 412-438-8632
Email: [email protected]
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